Picture for Boise, ID

Local Businesses in Boise, ID

Boise is the capital and most populous city of the U.S. state of Idaho and is the county seat of Ada County. It is situated on the Boise River in southwest Idaho, 110 miles (177 kilometers) north of the Nevada border and 41 miles (66 kilometers) east of the border with Oregon. The elevation of the downtown area is 2,704 feet (824 meters) above sea level. According to the 2020 US Census, there were 235,684 people living there.

The unemployment rate in Boise is 3.6% in comparison to 6.0% is the US average.

Over the past year, the job market in Boise has grown by 3.6%. The projected rate of job growth over the next ten years is 50.9%, which is greater than the 33.5% US average.

Boise's income and salaries:

  • A Boise inhabitant makes $28,956 on average per year. The yearly average in the US is $28,555.
  • A Boise resident's median yearly household income is $49,209. The yearly average in the US is $53,482.

City website: https://www.cityofboise.org/

Economy in Boise
Economy in Boise

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